Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Make a pinhole camera

Posted by Wawan On 21:25 | No comments
Maybe one of you is no stranger to hearing the name pinhole camera
do not you think ..?
This time I will share How to Make Needle Hole Or pinhole camera.
Gini tu story yesterday evening I was watching a TV show, continues to look in there so community pinhole camera. Well as a normal human being I too wonder where the hell kind of a way for him. He completed immediately after the show I was Googling and fro looking for the tutorial ..

What is a pinhole camera?
pinhole camera is a tool in optical appearance of an object in a closed box or a dark room. On one side there is one hole that will produce images that exist outside the box on the side of the box in reverse malalui "rectilinear propagation of light" ..
And it turns out the pinhole camera is a camera that was first used in the world of portrait photographs from the old days .. weve wooww outside biiasa the ancients.

     The materials used is quite cheap and simple
     example as below:
     1.kotak matches
cans of soft drink.
adhesive tape.
     4.roll film, (new)
     5.roll films used / empty
     6.spiral to negjilid book
     7.needle, scissors, a black marker

Cara Membuat Kamera Lubang Jarum Atau Pinhole
How to him:
Make the frame on the inside of a match, (wide enough frame hole 2.4 cm) and then fill it with black.

Membuat Frame Lubang Jarum

Mewarnai Hitam Kotak Lubang Jarum 
Also make the hole 4 in terms of wrapping matchboxes.
Lubang Di Luar Kotak Lubang Jarum 
Then cut canned drink earlier, roughly a little smaller than a matchbox, and lobangi with a needle right in the relatively small center. make an important hole.

Gunting Kaleng Lubang Jarum
Lobangi Kaleng Lubang Jarum 
Attach pieces of tin was wrapped box of matches and in isolation
see picture.

Tempel Lubang Jarum 
Then make a shutter, point to unscrew pinhole in a matchbox
clay more pictures

Tape Down Shutter
Use the spiral to create bookmarks, click, and then paste it at the end of the film roll, (the new one).
See the pictures.

Cutting Clicker 
Cutting Clicker 2 
Clicker Down 
2.4 Measure beforehand that there are few holes in the film.
For example, there are 7 holes, Myspace 7x you will hear a click

After that enter the film into a matchbox that had been made earlier.

pull film thru box
Then mash the end of the new movie with the rest of the end of the film roll used / empty with insulation
see the picture:

splice film 
Input part in matches like the image below
Slide in tray
After that isolation each section ends.
try isolation with very tightly so that no light enters the box.

Stop Leaks Front 
Create a winder with a can opener, winder use to play movies.
Add Winder 
And the end result will be like the picture below ..
How to use it simply open the shutter and set aside some time ..
when taking a picture try to shake for maximum results ..
time in shooting depends on the condition of incoming light,
for bright light or outdoor shutternya quite open about 3-5 seconds then Close.
to light were 10-15 seconds and then close.
for use in the evenings quite long 10-30 minutes, sometimes can be up to 1 hour.
All depending on the light, the size of the hole, the hole spacing of the film and many more factors that influence the outcome of the picture.
So if you want to take another picture simply rotate it rollnya, but the shutter should be in the closed condition. and so on ..
Good luck............



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