Thursday 8 March 2012

Tricks Online Business

Posted by Wawan On 19:16 | No comments

Business PPC (Pay Per Click) is a business advertisers who may have known the newbie blogger like Adsense, kumpulblogger,click me, AdsenseCamp, etc..Affiliate business while the business of selling other people's products with the commission that has been set by the product owner, usually the most dominant affiliate business is run by the Blogger is selling electronic books or e-book, this business is also not inferior to PTC business affiliate business is usually we are given a commission of 50% of the E-book, you can try this affiliate business in a blog that provides this as a business affiliate and whose products are very useful for the newbie who are new to online business. And I also gained've tried all three businesses that I described above. In online business you need to know at least the applicable regulations and what not to do such as:Click fraud, SEO (Search Engine Oftimization). What is Click Fraud and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)??And at least the blogger should know about:What is Click Fraud ===? ===Click Fraud is the act of deceptive advertising system pay-per-click (like AdSense, kumpulblogger, kliksaya etc.) by clicking the ads that are on your own web pages to get paid for every click. These acts are strictly prohibited and if you are found to do so, or acount PPC Adsense account you may be canceled by the Adsense or PPC is the business owner.=== What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? ===Search Engine Optimization is the process of applying certain techniques onto something web pages to improve their position in search results on search engines like: Google, Yahoo, MSN, while increasing the number of visitors to these web pages, and can increase the value of your blog pagerank. SEO techniques are usually used in the search for visitors without put backlink on the blogs of others, usually the bloggers put a keyword in the postinganya, such as SEO technique used is the most information in the search on the internet.


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